Site Assessments
A range of species are afforded different levels of legal protection in the UK. The most commonly encountered protected species on development sites are bats, common reptiles (such as slow worms and common lizards), great crested newts, badgers, dormice, barn owls and common nesting birds. For sites near watercourses surveys may include watervole, otter or specialist plant or invertebrate surveys may be required.
A 'Biodiversity Checklist' (or 1App form) must be completed for any planning application. It is used by the local planning authority (LPA) to highlight any existing or potential protected species or habitats which may be present on a site. LPAs are increasingly likely to ask planning applicants for evidence of protected species surveys which demonstrate presence/absence; they may also request details of how the applicant will avoid or mitigate for any negative impacts. ECS can provide a client with a Site Assessment Report identifying any potential ecological issues at the earliest stage and advising on the nature and timing of any further surveys and mitigation.
Additional consideration may be required for sites falling within National Parks, or Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONBs). Developments near designated nature conservation areas may also need to identify any potential impacts their proposals may have on them.