Ecological Consultancy Services

Bat Surveys-Trees

Most species of bats in the UK roost in trees as well as buildings.  Features used by bats include cavities in trunks accessed by rot or woodpecker holes, crevices created by split and torn limbs and gaps behind plates of bark and ivy. 

Roosts may be at all heights and on all aspects.  Split limbs high on southfacing aspects offer good maternity roost sites for bats which need to keep warm but away from predators.

Survey methods to assess trees include searching potential roost features from a ladder, platform/lift or by climbing and searching with an endoscope or fibrescope; this should normally be supplemented by evening and dawn surveys watching for bats at roost sites and listening with bat detectors.  Because of the difficulties surveying trees for bats, roosts are probably frequently overlooked.  On large schemes where a number of potential roost trees could be affected, consideration should be given to additional methods such as radio tracking.

Scroll through the pictures below to see a range of bat roost sites in trees.

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noctule bat maternity roost site ivy clad tree used by barbastelle bat elder bush with Bechstein's roost in rot hole! this tree was used by a brown long-eared and a Natterer's maternity colony flaking bark roost site brown long-eared roost close to the ground Bechstein's maternity roost Bechstein's maternity roost Bechstein's maternity roost Bechstein's bat barbastelle roost in rot barbastelle roost behind flaking bark barbastelle maternity roost in split oak barbastelle maternity roost in split beech barbastelle maternity roost in split barbastelle bat barbastelle maternity roost barbastelle maternity roost using endoscope to explore potential roost sites